VIjayalaxmi R Patted
M.A B.Ed

Respected Parent’s

” Look at the sky, we are not alone, the whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work.”

EVERY child is creative by nature, what is needed? We should bring it out by nurturing it and by giving freedom and exposure. In simple terms it means exposing our children to things that help them explore their curiosity and creativity stimulates their gifted potential. The thought is that if creativity is developed at an early age parents and teachers can help children reach their gifted potential.

Welcome to Sanganabasava Shishuniketan School Vijayapura. A new academic year brings forth new challenges and thankfully new opportunities. To excel from the heights of achievements, requires re-dedication to our ideals as an institution. The time has come for us – not to rest on past laurels – but to pursue with renewed vigour, newer, higher targets.

Start by doing what is necessary then what is possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible. Every day brings forth new opportunities to learn more. At Sanganabasava Shishuniketan School Vijayapura, we are on a journey to making education more meaningful and engaging inside the classroom. We believe that each child is unique and gifted and a child’s capacity to learn and create is infinite.

We are proud and privileged that you have chosen us to be a part of your child’s journey towards a great future.

We at Sanganabasava Shishuniketan School Vijayapura, the teachers, the administrative staff, our Chairman and I will make sure that home extends to school and school extends to home seamlessly.

Teachers at school and parents at home are equal stake holders in holistic education and we both need to be partners in this learning process of your child. Our endeavor is to teach each one of our students to redefine success – not by the absence of failures in life – but by overcoming them.

I welcome you to a partnership which aims at moulding our children into national citizens with a global vision.