1. According to CBSE norms, we are not assigning any home works to grade I and II students.
  2. Always revise the work done in the class. Do not consider this as a special assignment.
  3. If memory work is assigned see that it is completed within the given period.
  4. Avoid tutions on the contrary concentrate & participate in the class.
  5. Never postpone what you can do today.
  6. Be enthusiastic in doing everything. Live well by doing everything well. Do well what you do.
  7. Show your school handbook to your parents & get them to sign it.
  8. Respect your teacher & elder.
  9. Do yourself with decorum whenever you are and keep the banner of the school flying high.
  10. Never omit the lesson or H\W assigned. If you do , it is like missing a train that you can never catch afterword’s

Note:-Student suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class

AChicken poxTill Complete falling of the scabs
BCholeraTill the child is completely well
CMeasles2 weeks after the rashes disappear
DMumpsUntil the swelling has gone
EJaundice4 weeks after recovery

Home Work

Brief note on information available on balancing role of home work.
Regarding assigning home work to students,we have made a time table for assigning home work from grade III to VIII that includes one subject reading home work and two subjects with writing home work. We are not assigning any home work to grade I and grade II students.